Home’s Cool 101

The beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) once said :

“Kullu maulud yu lad ‘alal fitrah..Fa abawahu yuhawwidanuhu, au Yunassiranuhu, au Yumajjisanuhu”

Every new born is born on Fitra (as a Muslim), it is his Parents who make him a Jew, or Christian or an Idol worshipper (Majusi)”

Before the subject “parenting” came into existence how did parents bring their kids up? Children are born as natural learners. They learn fast. They are hungry for inputs after inputs. They are a curious lot. Sometimes we wonder, why can’t these kiddos stop asking.

 As parents, we are natural teachers. We were learners too. No matter how much we have learnt, parents want their kids to have more. Parents want kids to be better than them. Bill Gates would want his kids to be richer than him. Einstein might have wished that his children would be smarter than him. For us the average Joes and Janes, if we ever hoped that our kids turn up to be like us too, materialistically, financially, intellectually etc  that is, then there is something wrong with us.

What’s the best way to MAKE SURE our kids turn up well? Well, we shape them. I mean really, really shape them. 100 percent. Our mould. Our clone…almost but better. 

Gandhi once said, “Nehi skool ape hegek, onai mastek ape he mapek”

The best teachers are parents and the best school is home”  (Courtesy of Badrulsani @ badrulsani.com)

Not that today’s teachers are no good, some of them are really, really good. Passionate. Efficient. Creative. Believe me you, we have travelled to more than 300 schools in the country and we have actually met these  SuperTeachers. But there are also some, when you see them – the way they talk, walk and chalk, as if they are saying, “Can’t wait to go home” or “Someone please take me out of this sleepy hollow”.

We are glad we chose this road not taken by many….Homeschool is cool.

Here’s why it is so cool and wicked and fun and funtastic.




     Muhammad and Musa are learning photo editing, as a start, from a professional editor, Mr. G-b0ne. What’s the best way to learn? Learn and do the real thing.









      A trip to the hardware store. Seeing is believing, touching gives feeling. Going home and using the tools? Priceless and indescribable.








    Journal writing @ Pasar Borong. Write them FRESH as they happen.








     No gloves. No problem.

   How to get them to wake up early? A little excavation and an introduction to archaeology early in the morning.







    The best part of Home’s Cool is….

   On a serene Monday afternoon, my kids asked, “How come there are not many children around?”

Can you guess?

Oh ya…they are at school.

Musa’s Story


Aku sebuah van (unedited version)

Orang selalu naik dalam saya.  Saya sangat sakit.  Sebab orang lompat-lompat    dekat saya dan selalu lepaskan pintu saya.  Saya penat jalan-jalan pergi Johorlah  pergi Hotellah pergi mana-mana mereka nak je.  Boss saya selalu pergi petronas untuk ambik air saya.  Lepas tu, balik rumah mereka dan main-main dalam rumah.

The end.  By Dr. Proffesor Musa.

(Ok, ok..I take the blame.  At home, Muhammad and Musa now take turn reading BM stories – Kisah-kisah Al-Quran dan Koleksi Kisah Nabi-nabi.)

What can we learn from Musa’s story:

1.  We own a van – our only medium of transportation.

2.  The passengers seem to close the door with a ‘bang!’

3.  The same passengers enjoy jumping up and down in the van.

4.  We are Petronas-people.

Muhammad’s story

photo35 This is Muhammad’s writing in BM

Saya adalah sebuah tv.

Orang selalu tengok saya pagi sampai petang.  Aku ada semut-semut dalam saya.  Saya ada kawan-kawan ada ariel dan ada DVD player.

Saya ada butang dan pechuchuk wire.

Saya kasi orang tak fikir dan kasi tengok berita/buletin.

By Dr. proffesor mr. muhammad /Scientist Muhammad.

Jika di sekolah, tentu pening kepala Cikgu BM nak tanda karangan Muhammad.  Lalu, ibu Muhammad (nama tidak disiarkan) seorang jurulatih BI, mengambil langkah untuk kerap membacakan buku cerita BM kepada Muhammad dan adik-adik.  Buku ‘teks’ mereka – Biografi Muhammad bin Abdullah (PTS).

Bukan itu sahaja, si ibu yang semasa di bangku sekolah begitu rajin menulis karangan (tersiar pulak tu dalam majalah Kuntum dan menang sebatang Pen Parker ), kini insaf dan kembali ke pangkal jalan. Beliau megambil langkah proaktif untuk memantapkan penguasaan BM beliau.

Projek terkini:  Menulis buku tentang rahsia seronok belajar B. Inggeris dalam BM.