I thank you Mek Twain!

After struggling to keep it hush-hush, I believe it is now ‘safe’ to express my appreciation ‘openly’ to my dear cybersister Madam Mek Twain for this:

Notice the cherry-ful tudung I’m wearing?  Ohh..hasil kerja tangan dan mata dan minda kawanku itu yang sungguh mengujakan.

Want one for you?  Arriba!  Arriba!  Yok visit her Happy Nest y’all.

Bisa Di-catur!


Abang thinking

Abang thinking

FACT:  Chess is part of the curricula in nearly 30 countries. In Venezuela, Iceland, Russia and other countries, chess is a subject in all public schools. (Isaac Linder, “Chess, a Subject Taught at School,” Sputnik: Digest of the Soviet Press, June 1990, pp. 164-16)

For the first time, Muhammad and Musa took part in a Chess Tournament at Ampac, BB Bangi.


Muhammad’s result:  menang 1 – kalah 2

Musa’s result:  1 menang – 1 kalah (disebabkan tak cukup opponent, Musa masuk ke pusingan ke2 menang tanpa bertanding)



Musa in action

Musa in action

How Kids Think

dsc00046My conversation with Muhammad last night was refreshing. Based on his observation, when kids go to bed early, they wake up late. In contrast, those who go to bed late will tend to wake up early. (Nota: mungkin hanya terjadi di Casa Escuela sahaja antara tiga makhluk kecil MMM)

Muhammad: (sambil mata memandang Musa yang tidur atas karpet depan TV)  Umi, Abang tau sebab apa kalau sleep early, wake up late. Kalau sleep late, wake up early.

Umi: (sambil fikir..ish..beratnya nak alih Musa) Why bang?

Muhammad: If you sleep early, you get the best place so you enjoy and wake up late. But if you sleep late, your place is not comfortable. That’s why you wake up early.

Umi: Hak ahh… Betul jugak ye!!

(Renungan:  The kids sleep on the mattress/comforter on the floor in our room.  Mungkin ada tempat-tempat tertentu yang sangat ‘cozy’ seperti yang kena aircond or paling dekat ngan umi yang menjadi rebutan.  Mungkin juga siapa masuk tidur awal dapat bantal ekstra ke…Whatever it is, kids always look at things from a different perspective.)


rajin-rajinlah bersembang dengan anak-anak!